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The companionship aspect of daemonism is perhaps the most unique part of the practice, because it refers to meeting and building a bond with your daemon. What does that mean? How does it work? Read on and find out!
The basics
Defining daemons -- Here you can find a brief explanation of what daemons in our world are, and how they work.
Daemon communication -- How do people talk to and interact with their daemons? Here you can find the answer to that question!
The many joys of daemonism -- Explore why people practice daemonism in the first place, and how knowing your daemon can be helpful to you.
First steps
Finding your daemon -- Interested in how to meet your own incorporeal companion? It's a very personal journey, but you can find some tips here!
Daemon bonding -- So, maybe you've met your daemon. But what now? Here's some things you can try to build up a bond with your newfound mental companion!
Further reading
Daemon dictionary -- Like many online communities, the daemonism community has developed quite an array of terminology over the years! Here you can find definitions for common words you might see used.
Frequently asked questions -- A lot of folks who discover daemonism have questions about specific things regarding it. Here you can find answers to some of those questions.